Saturday, May 1, 2010


I was just recently having a look at twitter and it didn't take me long to notice just how useless it is! Seriously, as if people these days have nothing better to do than to read and write posts such as "having a cup of coffee". Was it important that people know this useful information about you? Do people have nothing better to do these days, for example, work, rather thanwatch this sort of stuff.

Obviously im not the only one who feels this way because there is just so many people out there who are watching celebrities and all the rest of it. But don't people have their own lives to worry about? Why are they so concerned with what famous people, who they most likely dont even know they exist, and what they are doing every minute of the day? But thats another issue for another day.

My main reason for posting this is to try and get people to wake up to themselves. Of coarse social networking sites are great, and recommend most. But has twitter just taken the whole social networking thing too far? I'm all for catching up with old mates and keeping in contact with friends and family. But twitter is much more self orientated. I'm doing/saying/thinking this and that every 2 minutes of their life!

That's just my two cents worth....agree or disagree, we all know that twitter will never REALLY catch on.

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