You’re not a true Facebook user if you’re not a fan of a group but some take it too literally. News feeds full of friends joining pointless group like ‘I hate it when a zebra takes my waffles!’.
Funny part is it gets worse. There’s been this massive craze about turban groups. How it started and how people are amused by it is absolutely beyond me and once people join one turban group, they join every other turban group. There are over 17000 of these groups!!! If you haven’t already seen any of these groups some examples are Roses are red, my turban is blue, become a fan, or i will bomb you (which is listed as a RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION), and I Once Gabbered So Hard My Turban Fell Off
Somewhere in all of this, you have to think of all the people out there who do wear a turban. I highly doubt that it’s the people that wear turbans which created these groups or are fans of them. If other cultures were to be made fun of like this one, I’m sure things would have been taken out of control. I think it’s about time Facebook Administration stepped in and did something about it…
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