Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Mr Facebook and how much he's worth

Obviously im not the only one who feels this way because there is just so many people out there who are watching celebrities and all the rest of it. But don't people have their own lives to worry about? Why are they so concerned with what famous people, who they most likely dont even know they exist, and what they are doing every minute of the day? But thats another issue for another day.
My main reason for posting this is to try and get people to wake up to themselves. Of coarse social networking sites are great, and recommend most. But has twitter just taken the whole social networking thing too far? I'm all for catching up with old mates and keeping in contact with friends and family. But twitter is much more self orientated. I'm doing/saying/thinking this and that every 2 minutes of their life!
That's just my two cents worth....agree or disagree, we all know that twitter will never REALLY catch on.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Kate's Party
However this demonstrates how easy a simple event can go very wrong if posted on the internet.. this has reminants of the whole Corey Worthington debarkle where he posted an invite on another social networking site myspace. He however intended to have a large group of people to come and well cause havoc which is indeed what happened.
There is also the whole issue of how easy things can go wrong if people put the wrong thing up on the internet or if others make a decision with the intent to use the information found to cause problems
Monday, April 26, 2010
Parts Of The Assignment
here are the links to where we have posted these comments
facebook addiction disorder
there are over 350 million people aready suffering from facebook addiction disorder.
list of things below may consider to be facebook addiction:
- go on everyday
- change your display frequently
- change statement every hour ot change statement to about anything and everything
- trying to access to facebook with phone
- alot of profile application
- keep saying facebook in real world
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Changing Times
This also got me thinging to what is gonna be the next one that people use when everyone no longer used facebook.. Twitter tried but twitter also failed. However I do look forward to see where people of today find a new way to communicate with eachother over the internet.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Extreme Facebook Groups
You’re not a true Facebook user if you’re not a fan of a group but some take it too literally. News feeds full of friends joining pointless group like ‘I hate it when a zebra takes my waffles!’.
Funny part is it gets worse. There’s been this massive craze about turban groups. How it started and how people are amused by it is absolutely beyond me and once people join one turban group, they join every other turban group. There are over 17000 of these groups!!! If you haven’t already seen any of these groups some examples are Roses are red, my turban is blue, become a fan, or i will bomb you (which is listed as a RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION), and I Once Gabbered So Hard My Turban Fell Off
Somewhere in all of this, you have to think of all the people out there who do wear a turban. I highly doubt that it’s the people that wear turbans which created these groups or are fans of them. If other cultures were to be made fun of like this one, I’m sure things would have been taken out of control. I think it’s about time Facebook Administration stepped in and did something about it…
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Everyone has facebook!
As techonlogy is advancing, so are the ways in which people are staying connected with eachother. Through the use of social networking sites, people can talk to someone halfway around the world just by the click of a button!
Social networking sites used to just cater to the younger generaton who were able to use technology more effectively, but these days it is so much more simpler to use and understand.
From Bebo, to Myspace, to now facebook and twitter, the more social networking sites being introduced, the more people are starting to join.
These days, it is simply a matter of typing in a family friend, a work mate, or an old school friends name and BANG, there u have it, your back in contact with someone u may not have spoken to for 10 years!
Not only that, but people from any age, race or country can become a part of these sites. I mean, from an 80 year old woman to a 12 year old child are all able to keep in contact with people that they know.
No matter where u are, im sure that someone within a 20m proximity of yourself is using facebook. Whether it be on a desktop, a laptop or even a mobile, without fail someone will be on it.
Take for example a typical day that i spend at uni. On the bus, i see people using facebook on their mobiles, in lecture rooms i look down and see at least 10 people there on facebook making use of the free internet. Whilst talking with a friend they ask me if they could borrow my phone to cheak their facebook.
Well, i guess with over 400 million people who are joined to facebook, i guess this isn't a surprise.

Monday, April 19, 2010
There is no question that facebook is one of the large social network.
This led to people to do advertisting and promoting on facebook.
Facebook is a great market for businesses beacuse is one of the fastest growing social network.
To those businesses owner they may think they are doing business but to the user
of facebook is a spam. i am sure many of you have receieve clubing event invitation
and other groups that they want you to join. well i dont know about if you get those or not,
but i get like 2 or more everyday.
Other spam that on facebook are the spam message that link to certain bussiness or product
that they want to sale. So when you click their post it will led to the website of the product and asking you to buy them.
Another way spam can happen in facebook is some random person added you and start to post comment on your facebook unstop. Your whole profile is full of the person's comments which you don't even know the person.
Below are some picture of facebook spam:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You might be wondering what it's all about, its a simple concept really.
In todays day and age almost everyone is part of a social networking site;
each with his or her's own experiences. The idea of this blog is for us to share
our experiences of social networking sites, not just facebook but other ones such
as twitter or myspace etc.
Now the reason behind the name of this blog is just a way of expressing the fact its so common for people to have a social networking profile that you can pretty well find anyone... even your mother.
As you can see where just starting so still have alot of work do on the design on the profile
and the rest but yea just feel free to comment and let us know what you think.